
Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) Donates Food Items


Recently the LWML met at Trinity Lutheran Church for their Zone Rally meeting and donated several bags and boxes of non-perishables to help replenish our shelves. Denise Mann, a volunteer at the food pantry spoke briefly about the pantry needs and the families we serve. Pictured are the LWML members with items collected and donated!


The Hobart Food Pantry once again benefited from the Hobart Kiwanis Food Drive this past September. Each year the Kiwanis hold their annual food drive throughout Hobart to help replenish the shelves at the Hobart Food Pantry! Pictured are some of the many volunteers from the community as well as many of the students from the School City of Hobart! THANK YOU again Hobart Kiwanis for coordinating this event with the many volunteers and drivers who picked up food from the many residents in our community! We could not keep our doors open without the generous support of groups like the Kiwanis Club!



Once again Hobart Tri Kappa made a generous donation to the Hobart Food Pantry to help us with our monthly expenses.  Pictured are several Tri Kappa members and Food Pantry volunteers, who continue to be the life line of our organization!  Tri Kappa members have been assisting the food pantry for 25+ years through volunteer and fundraising events!  Thank you Hobart Tri Kappa!

In the News

Thanks to NIPSCO

for the generous donation of $3000.00, the Hobart Food Pantry was able to purchase turkeys for both the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Without our community partners, such as NIPSCO, we would not be able to provide a holiday package to our 200+ families each year!


Find Us

200 South Hobart Road Hobart, IN 46342